Image Processing

How to Implement Image Scale and Crop

If you've ever worked with Adobe Photoshop or any image processing tool, you've probably resized an image to a certain frame or dimension. Suppose the original image dimension is 600x800 (3:4 aspect ratio) and you want to fit everything in a 500x750 (2:3 aspect ratio) frame. What you will do is to shrink the width from 600 to 500 and stretch the height from 800 to 750. This process of resizing is called image scaling in computer graphics.


Scale and Crop Images by Folder

Scale and Crop is a Windows and Command-line based program by Everett Gaius Vergara to batch convert JPG and PNG images to the specified dimension size without stretching the images. This particular tool is useful for reducing the file size and correcting the aspect ratio of images. 


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